Unprecedented decisions are being made by business owners and door-to-door sales reps on how to knock doors (if at all) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Companies are sending sales teams packing from states that are still observing stay at home orders, to markets where stay at home orders have been lifted. What does this mean? It means that states with stay at home orders in place are making it difficult for sales reps to knock doors as paranoid homeowners call the police to get sales reps removed from their neighborhoods, and city and state offices are closed, making it impossible to issue solicitors licenses.
It also means that states where stay at home orders have been lifted are being flooded with door-to-door sales teams. Earlier this week, a sales rep told me a potential customer told him he was the 4th pest control company to knock on his door within a week! And it’s only May!!!
These concerns just scratch the surface. I won’t even get into the impact of sales reps knocking doors in masks, observing social distancing guidelines on the doors, and negative online reviews from those who adamantly oppose uninvited guests showing up on their doorstep.
Interesting times for sure!
For more on this, be sure to click the link below: